lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

Manchester Orchestra: "Are Rural Dirt"

La Mancha de Rolando insulted the local field in celebration: "Son rural dirt"

Invited by the Intendant Lorena Bussi Kirchner's friend Amado Boudou band described the ruralistas as a "gringos of m ..."

The comings and goings between the government and the field at harvest liquidation of accumulated and added a new chapter absurd Thursday, when the singer of the rock group chabón La Mancha de Rolando, a personal friend of Vice President Amado Boudou, threw insults directed at producers during the inaugural recital of the National Day of Wheat, in the Cordoba town of Leones.

From the stage, and an audience of 3000 people, called the Quiet Manuel ruralistas "gringos of m ... who are sitting on silas soy" and said, echoing the government's position, do not have to store grains in bag silos, but "sell".

As if this were not enough, Nieto, whose band became a favorite to enliven celebrations in towns governed by Kirchner befriend leaders from the vice president, who has even played with them several times, spoke of the "rural dirt" in obvious reference to the Rural Society.

In addition to launching-government slogans and insults to the field, the author of "Burn the City" took time to thank those responsible for that were playing there that night officials. Still highlighted the efforts of the mayor Lorraine Bussi, Deputy Fabian Francioni and of course Boudou, all ultrakirchneristas.

In the past, Freeze Boudou defined as "a great friend, a great person and a great professional," and said it was "the best economy minister and vice president" who had the Argentina.

"I never took and analyzed in terms of benefit or detriment that kind of relationship we have with Amado Boudou. Nobody told me anything negative. Know that for many years is going to be, is a leader who will get many things done," prophesied the musician in an interview in 2012.

Despite declaring that shuns useful to consider what has been your approach with the government in recent years, thanks to this relationship, Freeze was presented with his band as the National Day celebrations of Dulce de Leche (canes), the National Apple Festival (General Roca) and the National Rice Festival (San Salvador) and many others.

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